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Dr Steve (or whatever his name is) takes ZERO responsibility for any statements made in this sub. Dr Steve does not claim to diagnose, treat, or BASICALLY ANYTHING ELSE for any disease or condition whatsoever. If you don agree, please don post here.. dildos My entire way of looking at it changed after I did Bloodline which certain people were deeply and profoundly moved by and involved with, because it deals with family. Very close to the bone for a lot of people When I was doing Bloodline, [show creators] Todd and Glenn [Kessler] always talked about how what we doing here is something we want people to be entertained by. That which people go to see, and are entertained by and absorbed by for the two hours they watching it that is a successful piece. dildos dildos It was about Darcy being a bloke, diving in his lake on a hot day, not having to be polite and then he suddenly finds himself in a situation where he does have to be polite. So you have two people having a stilted conversa...